Online Therapy for Spiritual Growth & Psychedelic Integration in CA & TX

Harmonizing Spiritual Journeys and Psychedelic Experiences

Nurturing Growth, Integration, and Wholeness

Embracing Transformation:

 Uniting Mind, Body, and Spirit Through Spiritual Growth and Psychedelic Integration

In your spiritual journey, you might struggle to connect with others, feeling isolated or misunderstood. Your work might lack fulfillment as you wrestle with profound existential questions about your purpose and impact in the world. Everyday life may feel overwhelming as you navigate the complexities of your inner journey while balancing external responsibilities. Feeling disconnected and confused can leave you adrift, longing for clarity and grounding.

Empowering Your Journey:

How Spiritual Growth and Psychedelic Integration Therapy Can Transform Your Life

Imagine a life where:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of yourself, your purpose, and your place in the world, leading to profound insights and a sense of direction.

  • Find harmony and balance by weaving spiritual awakenings and psychedelic experiences into your daily life.

  • Cultivate deeper, more meaningful relationships as you connect authentically with others from a place of inner alignment.

  • Develop the tools and resilience to face life's challenges with grace, embracing each moment with presence and awareness.

  • Discover a renewed sense of purpose and fulfillment as you align your actions with your values and vision for your life.

Through our collaboration, you can embrace a purposeful, connected, and peaceful life journey, courageously exploring self-discovery and transformation.

  • "I crave a deeper understanding of myself, my purpose, and the universe."

  • "I feel drawn to plant medicines or entheogens as a tool for personal or spiritual exploration."

  • "I am experiencing confusion, fear, or uncertainty surrounding my spiritual experiences or encounters with plant medicines."

  • "I feel disconnected from my spiritual essence or a higher power."

  • "I desire support and guidance in integrating profound spiritual insights or experiences into my daily life."

  • "I am seeking a safe and supportive environment to explore my spiritual beliefs, experiences, and questions."

  • "I feel called to deepen my connection to nature, the cosmos, or other realms of existence."

  • "I want to cultivate a greater sense of inner peace, purpose, and alignment with my spiritual path."

  • "I want help processing my psychedelic experiences."

Enhanced Holistic Approach for Spiritual Growth and Psychedelic Integration:

  • Integrating somatic therapy techniques to help you reconnect with your body's wisdom and transpersonal psychology approaches to explore the spiritual dimensions of your experience.

  • Utilizing the vibrational healing properties of flower essences to support emotional well-being and facilitate deep inner shifts.

  • Harnessing the power of energy medicine practices to rebalance your body, mind, and spirit, promoting holistic healing and alignment.

  • Integrating carefully curated plant medicines into our work together to facilitate profound insights, spiritual growth, and integration of psychedelic experiences.

  • Implementing specific integration practices tailored to your psychedelic experiences, helping you process and integrate insights gained during these journeys into your everyday life.

  • Introducing mindfulness and meditation techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness, enhancing your spiritual connection and promoting inner peace and clarity.

  • Incorporating ritual and ceremony into our sessions to honor your spiritual journey, creating sacred space for deep healing, reflection, and transformation.

Find help to address your challenges and receive support and guidance for your spiritual journey and psychedelic experiences with greater ease, clarity, and grace.

Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey towards spiritual connection, inner peace, and personal growth.

Therapy for spiritual growth and psychedelic integration can help you:

  • Reconnect with Your Inner Wisdom

  • Feel More Expansive in Yourself & Life

  • Strengthen Awareness & Self-Care

  • Nurture Meaningful Relationships

  • Embrace Spiritual Growth

  • Find Balance & Restoration

  • Bring experience to full resolution

  • Experience Inner Peace

  • Navigate Life Transitions

Empower Your Psychedelic Journey:

Integrating Transformative Experiences with Compassionate Guidance

Navigating the profound experiences brought forth by psychedelics requires a supportive and understanding environment, and that's precisely what I offer. I am here to guide you through the integration process, helping you make sense of your journey(s), find meaning in the insights gained, and seamlessly weave these transformative experiences into your daily life.

Whether you're seeking healing from past traumas, exploring the expanses of your consciousness, or striving for personal empowerment, my tailored approach ensures that your integration is an empowering experience. Having a trauma-informed psychedelic integration therapist by your side can profoundly support your journey.

Begin a journey of self-discovery, where psychedelics and compassionate therapy combine to guide you toward lasting positive change.

Here’s How I Help

  • Transpersonal Therapy

    Go beyond the mind and body and explore your spiritual side, helping you find deeper meaning and connection in life, beyond the material world to help you access inner peace, embodied awareness, and spiritual connection.

  • Somatic Parts Work

    Helps you understand and cultivate compassionate relationships with different parts of yourself that might be in conflict or causing you distress by using techniques that incorporate the mind, body, and spirit to promote harmony and healing.

  • Somatic EMDR

    Helping you process and release problematic memories stored in your body with a combination of traditional EMDR and body-centered approaches to promote profound healing and relief.

  • Flower Essence Therapy

    Connecting with the subtle yet profound frequencies of flowers nurtures your body's innate healing abilities, guiding you towards balance and providing supportive guidance for mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, restoration, and resilience.

Find Freedom, Illumination, Connection & Magic.

You don’t have to navigate these realms alone.

Let's explore the path to inner peace, integration, and wholeness, empowering you to thrive in all aspects of life.


  • Spiritual growth therapy harmonizes your mind, body, and spirit, fostering connection with your higher self. It incorporates various techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, energy work, and transpersonal psychology to support your spiritual growth and exploration.

  • Psychedelic integration is crucial because it provides a structured and supportive process for individuals to assimilate, understand, and derive meaning from their psychedelic experiences. While psychedelics can offer profound insights and catalyze transformative changes, the real impact often occurs during the integration phase.

  • Participation in psychedelic experiences is not a requirement for psychedelic integration therapy. This therapy emphasizes integrating past psychedelic experiences rather than seeking new ones. If you're not into psychedelics, I'll find other ways to help you meet your therapy goals.

  • Psychedelic integration therapy creates a safe space for you to process past psychedelic experiences. Having an experienced therapist guide you through these processes is highly beneficial.