Online Therapy Intensives for Women in California & Texas

Empowerment Intensives: Embrace Healing, Embrace Yourself

Ready to Dive Deep?

Therapy Intensives Amplify Personal Growth

Discover the Power of Empowerment Intensives:

Transformative Therapy for Accerlerated Growth

An intensive is a deep dive into your healing journey. It's a focused and concentrated approach to therapy that offers you the opportunity to work through challenges and make progress more quickly than in traditional therapy sessions.

During an intensive, you'll spend longer periods of time in therapy sessions, anywhere from 3 hours to 3 days. This concentrated time allows you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and experiences in greater depth.

Think of it like taking a magnifying glass to your emotions and experiences. You'll have the chance to really zoom in and examine what's going on beneath the surface, uncovering insights and making connections that might not have been possible in shorter therapy sessions.

An intensive is also tailored specifically to your needs and goals. We’ll work closely together to create a personalized treatment plan, focusing on the areas where you want to see growth and change.

Overall, an intensive is an immersive and transformative experience designed to help you break through barriers, heal from past traumas, and develop new tools, coping skills, and strategies for living a more fulfilling life. It's embarking on a deep journey of self-discovery and empowerment, with an experienced guide and ally every step of the way.

My approach is deeply rooted in empowering you to achieve your goals and overcome the challenges.

Here's how therapy intensives can help you:

  • Intensives offer a unique opportunity for immersion and focus that is unparalleled in traditional therapy settings. By dedicating extended periods of time to therapy sessions over consecutive days or a week, you are able to delve deep into your experiences and emotions without the interruptions and distractions of daily life.

    This concentrated focus allows for more profound exploration and processing of issues, leading to accelerated insights and more meaningful progress.

  • Everyone is unique in their experience of the world which is why I prioritize creating personalized treatment plans for each client.

    Your therapy experience will be tailored specifically to your needs, goals, and preferences, ensuring that you receive the support and interventions that are most effective for you.

  • Intensives incorporate experiential therapeutic modalities, such as role-playing, art therapy, and body-based techniques, which engage multiple senses and modes of expression. These experiential approaches can bypass cognitive defenses and access deeper layers of the subconscious, facilitating profound insights and emotional release.

    You’ll discover new ways of understanding and relating to your experiences through hands-on, experiential activities, leading to transformative shifts in perspective and behavior.

  • I take a holistic and integrative approach to healing, addressing not only the symptoms of your struggles but also their underlying causes. This means that I'll work with you to explore your past experiences, current challenges, and future aspirations, helping you to cultivate a deeper understanding of yourself and your journey. I incorporate a multitude of modalities, practices, and experiences into my work to address challenges through a mind, body, spirit lens.

  • My intensive therapy model is focused not just on processing past traumas, but also on equipping you with practical skills, tools, and coping strategies to navigate life's ups and downs.

    Whether it's learning mindfulness techniques, practicing self-compassion exercises, cultivating inner and outer resourcing, or developing healthy communication skills, you'll gain valuable tools to support your ongoing growth and well-being.

  • Intensives provide an opportunity for consolidated processing of therapeutic material, allowing you to make connections and insights more readily.

    Without the gaps between sessions that can occur in traditional therapy, you’re able to maintain momentum and continuity in your therapeutic work, leading to more cohesive and integrated healing experiences.

What does an Empowerment Therapy Intensive include?

  • Pre-Intensive Interview

    Leading up to the intensive, you'll have the opportunity to engage in pre-intensive preparation activities. This includes completing questionnaires and an in depth 2 hour interview.

  • Personalized Intensive Workbook

    You’ll receive a personalized workbook with journaling exercises, tools and resources designed to help you clarify your intentions, prepare for and document your progress.

  • Customized Intensive Sessions

    The core of the intensive experience consists of several extended therapy sessions held over the course of consecutive days or a week. These sessions typically last several hours each day and provide dedicated time for deep exploration, processing, and healing.

  • Post Intensive Support

    After the intensive concludes, we'll schedule a post-intensive support session to check in on your progress, discuss any lingering questions or concerns, and provide guidance for maintaining and building upon the gains made during the intensive.

Empowerment Therapy Intensives Can Help You:

It's possible to break free from past pain, reclaim inner strength, and find liberation.

Embrace resilience and empowerment within.

What Can Therapy Intensives Help With?

Options + Investments

  • ❁ 8 hour 1:1 program

    ❁ 6 face-to-face hours

    ❁ Weekday & weekend availability

    Intensive Includes:

    ❁ Online 2-hour pre-intensive assessment.

    ❁ Online 3 hour 1:1 session

    ❁ Online 60-minute post-treatment interview.

    ❁ Resources, assessments, & treatment workbook

    Investment: $2000

  • ❁ 11 hour 1:1 program

    ❁ 9 face-to-face hours

    ❁ Weekday & weekend availability

    Intensive Includes:

    ❁ Online 2-hour pre-intensive assessment.

    ❁ 2 Online 3 hour 1:1 sessions

    ❁ Online 60-minute post-treatment interview.

    ❁ Resources, assessments, & treatment workbook

    Investment: $2750

  • ❁ 14 hour 1:1 program

    ❁ 12 face-to-face hours

    ❁ Weekday & weekend availability

    Intensive Includes:

    ❁ Online 2-hour pre-intensive assessment.

    ❁ 3 Online 3 hour 1:1 sessions

    ❁ Online 60-minute post-treatment interview.

    ❁ Resources, assessments, & treatment workbook

    Investment: $3500

  • 2 Day Online Immersive Experience in a group setting (max of 6 people)

    Intensive Includes:

    • Group therapy and community building exercises with Psychodrama

    • Expressive arts and experiential therapies

    • Group Quantum Time Release™

    • Group Somatic Release experience

    • Resources, assessments, & treatment workbook

    • Gift bag with self-care items

    Investment: $750

Here’s How I Help

  • Transpersonal Therapy

    Go beyond the mind and body and explore your spiritual side, helping you find deeper meaning and connection in life, beyond the material world to help you access inner peace, embodied awareness, and spiritual connection.

  • Somatic Parts Work

    Helps you understand and cultivate compassionate relationships with different parts of yourself that might be in conflict or causing you distress by using techniques that incorporate the mind, body, and spirit to promote harmony and healing.

  • Somatic EMDR

    Helping you process and release problematic memories stored in your body with a combination of traditional EMDR and body-centered approaches to promote profound healing and relief.

  • Flower Essence Therapy

    Connecting with the subtle yet profound frequencies of flowers nurtures your body's innate healing abilities, guiding you towards balance and providing supportive guidance for mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being, restoration, and resilience.

Therapy Intensive FAQs

  • Therapy Intensives offer a more concentrated and immersive approach to therapy compared to traditional sessions. Rather than meeting once a week for shorter sessions, intensives involve extended therapy sessions over consecutive days or a week, allowing for deeper exploration and accelerated progress.

  • Therapy Intensives can be helpful for a wide range of issues. I specialize in working with empathic and highly sensitive women struggling with anxiety, people pleasing, limiting beliefs, stress, overwhelm, and self-confidence issues heal from traumatic experiences, grow and connect spiritually, and integrate psychedelic experiences.

  • Let’s chat and see where you’re at and determine if an intensive is right for you. Part of the process is assessing where you are in your growth journey and what your capacity is for an intensive. There is no pressure to be anywhere other than where you areT I’ll meet you there and help take the next step in your healing journey.

  • 1-Day Therapy Intensive $2,000

    6 face-to-face hours + resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook

    2-Day Therapy Intensive $2750

    9 face-to-face hours + resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook.

    3-Day Therapy Intensive $3500

    12 face-to-face hours + resources, assessments, & personalized treatment workbook.

    Group Therapy Intensive $750

    2 day Immersive group therapy experience + resources, gift bag & Quantum Time Release™.

  • Both individual and group therapy intensives are offered online to California and Texas residents.

    Therapy intensives are like self-care retreats. It’s best to allow time outside of sessions to be unscheduled or filled only with self-care activities like exercise, body work (acupuncture or massage), and integration activities like nature walks, journaling, drawing, painting, singing, and cooking.

  • Therapy Intensives give you the results you would get from months of therapy in a much shorter time frame. If you add up the cost of weekly therapy, a therapy intensive is actually more cost effective. Instead of waiting months, you can get the same results in a few days.

  • Yes! Intensives can be a helpful addition to help move progress along and can also support you in loosening things up if you’re feeling stuck or stagnant in therapy currently. I’m happy to coordinate with your therapist if you desire that. Therapy intensives don’t replace or interrupt the primary therapy. It’s a specialized adjunctive service.

  • Insurance companies typically do not cover therapy intensives; however, if you have out of network benefits, it’s possible that they will cover some of the cost.

  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is due when you book your Therapy Intensive. The remaining 50% is due on the first day of the Intensive Session.